Class Information
Schedule of Classes
A listing of available class sections by term. Faculty listings are preliminary, and subject to change.
Semester Class Sequence Schedules Diagrams and conflict tables of semester class sequences
Course and Class Offerings Distinction between course and class offerings.
No-Charge Music Ensemble Courses Music ensemble courses available for undergraduate students to take without added charge.
College of Professional Studies—Undergraduate Semester Conversion Effective fall 2016, the undergraduate programs in the College of Professional Studies are offered on a semester basis.
Pass/Fail Grading System Students can petition to take a course pass/fail instead of receiving a letter grade in the course.
Legacy System Information Reference information for the legacy system that predates the Banner system.
Class Evaluations (TRACE) The TRACE survey asks students to rate their satisfaction with the course and the instructor on a number of dimensions.
Class Rosters Instructions for faculty to download their class roster(s).
Class Section Updates Faculty/staff only: Request to change a classroom or add a NUpath attribute to a class section.
Faculty Class Evaluations (TRACE) The TRACE survey asks students to rate their satisfaction with the course and the instructor on a number of dimensions.